Monday, February 27, 2006

ode to frankie...

heidi would be so proud...a blog and a painting...all in one night...
since tracie and heidi and i are moving in together we decided to paint pictures of our kitties...this is my portrait of frankie...isn't she beautiful!?!

where have you been?

oh my goodness...she is posting!!!

yeah, i know i have been non-existent here in the blogging would think that i had dropped off of the face of the earth or something...but, i'm here is a quick catch up...

- i've been staying with my sister,
tracie, who is one of the coolest chicks in the world...she is a great person who is always there for me to help me out and force me back on my feet...if i ever need anyone to talk to she is there for me...
tracie, heidi, and myself are moving into the most beautiful house ever! i am so excited to have my own space again...i cannot remember what it feels like...did i mention that the house is beautiful?
- i find myself talking to heidi a lot...she is another amazing woman who is beautiful and strong ( i'm not sure if she realizes how just how fabulous she is, though)...i always feel that she understands me...she has a great sense of people's needs and emotions...
- my family is awesome...more people who are kind and caring...and fun...did i mention fun? a lot of people don't have close relationships with their families and i feel quite lucky that i do...
- i love my job...i recently got a promotion at work and am really enjoying is frustrating training someone else for my old position, but eventually i will be able to help mold them into a better stock person than i ever was...and hopefully my co-workers will help to mold me into something better as well...
- i find myself having more confidence than i ever have...i've never been to fond of myself or felt i've accomplished much, but it is something i am working on...i'm trying to learn to appreciate myself and to take leaps and do things i've never imagined myself doing...taking the promotion at work was part of this process...i'll keep you posted on how things are going in this department...yes, i'll try to keep up on my blog...

that's it for now...random quotes and images to follow...

Saturday, February 04, 2006
