Thursday, September 29, 2005

random photograph

would you still think that i was cute....

...if you knew that i just spent the last hour chasing my own tail?

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

self portrait tuesday

i just worked my second overnight shift in a row...all i can think of is sleep.

Monday, September 26, 2005


i'm exhausted...i didn't get home from work 'til almost six this morning (i started at six last night), and i could not manage to stay in bed past 9:30 this morning. i don't do well when i am lacking sleep. right now, i think that this is an artsy picture of a kitty attack...when i truly wake in a few days, i will realize that it is just a blur of fur.

Saturday, September 24, 2005

i don't have anything interesting to say...

i was reluctant to start this blog because i do not feel that i have anything interesting to say. it was actually a fluke that i did begin, i signed on only to make comments on my friends blog and ended up with one of my own.
well, i'm a photographer who has been in a bit of a creative rut lately, so i'm taking this as a reason to create. i need to make art, it is what i do to make myself happy.
i hope you enjoy the random images i throw on here.

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

they sound like little squeaky toys...

okay, so with a little face like this how could you ever get mad?

when they attack your legs as you walk....

or poop all over the carpet...

or climb up your sweater to get at the lens cap as you try to take their pictures...they are adorable, but they are little is a good thing that they get tired quickly...
today has been a crazy long day. i did so much at work to day that i totally wore myself out. i have all of these crazy scratches on my arms and a big cut on my finger...i forgot to take my rings off before i started working and got one stuck on a dumpster and it dug deep into my flesh...screwed up my finger and my ring. i just took the ring off and threw it in the dumpster. kind of funny, kind of sad. i probaby wouldn't feel alive if i didn't hurt myself. hmmm...glad i had those little monsters here to make me smile when i got home.

Sunday, September 18, 2005

i wish i could sleep like that

finally, she is calm...let us see how long this lasts.
this is stormy, the queen kitty of the house. with the little poo poo machines in there separate room, stormy has finally had a moment of peace to nap. she looks really stressed out about the new additions to our houshold, doesn't she. just wait until the kittens come out again.

Saturday, September 17, 2005

pile of kitties...

my boyfriend and i got two new kitties last night to add to our household. They are frankie (the white kitty with the black markings on the right) and ralphie (the black kitty with the white markings on the left). They are precious little bundles of fur. i feel quite guilty, though, as our other kitty, stormy, is really unhappy about the new addition. she kept us up all night screaming because she couldn't be in the room that they were in, and has been pretty standofish all day today. i know that she will adjust and that she just needs time, but, right now, i am sad. the new kitties, however are generally well behaved. frankie is having some issues finding the litter box, but, otherwise, they are adjusting to there new home quite well.

could you make one big enough to wipe the whole earth?